Thursday, June 23, 2011

Getting Fusion Middleware Application MBeans

To get fusion middleware MBeans (eg: BPEL properties, Mediator properties), the WLST shell that needs to be invoked is different from the regular weblogic WLST shell.

For querying the SOA MBeans, the following shell needs to be invoked.

SOA_ORACLE_HOME\common\bin\wlst.cmd (eg: C:\oracle\Middleware\Oracle_SOA1\common\bin\wlst.cmd)
SOAInfraConfigobj = ObjectName(',name=soa-infra,type=SoaInfraConfig,Application=soa-infra')
print 'Common Properties for soa_server1'
print 'AuditLevel at SOAConfig (Global)~', mbs.getAttribute(SOAInfraConfigobj,'AuditLevel')
print 'CallbackServerURL~', mbs.getAttribute(SOAInfraConfigobj,'CallbackServerURL')
print 'GlobalTxMaxRetry~', mbs.getAttribute(SOAInfraConfigobj,'GlobalTxMaxRetry')
print 'GlobalTxRetryInterval~', mbs.getAttribute(SOAInfraConfigobj,'GlobalTxRetryInterval')

#Get BPEL Properties
BPELMBeanobj = ObjectName(',name=bpel,type=BPELConfig,Application=soa-infra')
print 'BPEL Properties for soa_server1'
print 'DispatcherEngineThreads~', mbs.getAttribute(BPELMBeanobj,'DispatcherEngineThreads')
print 'DispatcherInvokeThreads~', mbs.getAttribute(BPELMBeanobj,'DispatcherInvokeThreads')
print 'DispatcherSystemThreads~', mbs.getAttribute(BPELMBeanobj,'DispatcherSystemThreads')
print 'LargeDocumentThreshold~', mbs.getAttribute(BPELMBeanobj,'LargeDocumentThreshold')

#Get Mediator Properties
MediatorMbeanobj = ObjectName(',name=mediator,type=MediatorConfig,Application=soa-infra')
print 'Mediator Properties for soa_server1'
print 'AuditLevel for Mediator~',mbs.getAttribute(MediatorMbeanobj,'AuditLevel')
print 'ContainerIdLeaseTimeout~', mbs.getAttribute(MediatorMbeanobj,'ContainerIdLeaseTimeout')
print 'ResequencerWorkerThreadCount~', mbs.getAttribute(MediatorMbeanobj,'ResequencerWorkerThreadCount')

#Get HumanWorkFlow Properties
Humanworkflowobj = ObjectName(',name=human-workflow,type=HWFMailerConfig,Application=soa-infra')
print 'Human Workflow Properties for soa_server1'
print 'Email from address~', mbs.getAttribute(Humanworkflowobj,'ASNSDriverEmailFromAddress')

#Get Adapter Properties for soa_server1
print 'Adapter Properties for soa_server1'
AdapterMbeanobj = ObjectName(',name=adapter,type=AdapterConfig,Application=soa-infra')
print 'GlobalInboundJcaRetryCount~', mbs.getAttribute(AdapterMbeanobj,'GlobalInboundJcaRetryCount')

The above script can be executed as:
c:\$SOA_ORACLE_HOME\common\bin\wlst.cmd > wlst.out

This data can be generated into an excel file (without the need to access em).
The above script generates values with a delimiter ~
The below script generates an excel file
Get from :
If you haven't used perl before, download it from ActivePerl site and to run a perl script, just do $ perl
To run the current script:

C:\WLST>perl -i wlst.out -o test1.xls -d ~ (wlst.out is generated from above wlst script and -d option is the delimiter)
infile = wlst.out
outfile = test1.xls

This would generate an excel file (test1.xls) with MBean values without the need for em.

Both the above two operations (generating wlst.out and converting wlst.out to excel) can be wrapped in a batch/shell script for better automation.



Awaken5D said...

This is a very useful script to see the values without login to EM console.
Can you please let us know how we can get and modify the BPEL composite and its component MBean properties through WLST.

Unknown said...

Hello all,
I am trying to change AUDIT LEVEL for a particular Composite called HelloWorldSOA2. But i am geting error whilte running the script as per this blog.

I am calling this object.
helloworldComposite = ObjectName('oracle.soa.config:Location=gpossoa_wdvra00a281_11582,partition=default,j2eeType=SCAComposite,revision=1.0,label=HelloWorldSOA2,Application=soa-infra,wsconfigtype=WebServicesConfig,name="HelloWorldSOA2"')

In that object, what is that label?
Where do define my composite name?